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Community Development

Programs and communities are beginning to identify ways to promote resiliency and recovery from ACE outcomes (including substance abuse), while emphasizing personal responsibility, social affiliations and skill-building:

  • Collective intervention approaches can be offered within communities and overlaid on a variety of programmatic structures.
  • Investments in these types of ACE-informed collective responses have high returns (see Hall, Porter, Longhi, & Becker-Green, 2012).
  • When people experience increasing healing and wholeness in life, along with stable work and community integration, they are able to provide support and reduce risks for the next generation (Larkin, Beckos, & Shields, 2012).

Community Examples

The HEARTS (Healthy Environments and Relationships That Support) Initiative is a growing cross-sector collaborative of local and state agencies working together to take on adversity and trauma through various community and program development efforts.

The Committee on the Shelterless (COTS) says that HEARTS trump ACEs. This powerpoint reviews the way COTS mobilizes the Healing Power of Social Networks. There is also an Executive Summary to provide a case example of COTS.

Troy Housing Authority has developed the PE/ACE Project to counteract ACEs among people living in poverty.

The Washington State Family Policy Council is a state level interagency council that has partnered with community public health and safety networks to support community-driven change in response to ACE knowledge.

Community Development Resources
