Downloadable Resource Library

Responding to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) calls for collaboration and multilevel action – from the individual to the societal.

Links and Resources

This is a collection of all the documents, links and resources that appear in various sections of the website. We hope this is helpful for you to be able to access everything in one location.
ACE Questions and Overviews

Adverse Childhood Experiences: Overview, Response Strategies, and Integral Theory Perspective – This article by Heather Larkin, Ph.D., and John Records, J.D., was the basis for the ACE Response website. The authors provide an overview of ACE research and responses in addition to introducing Integral Theory and the Restorative Integral Support model.

The Restorative Integral Support (RIS) Model: Community-Based Integration of Trauma-Informed Approaches to Advance Equity and Resilience for Boys and Men of Color – Read how the RIS model can be applied to guide structural and policy changes while supporting multidimensional understanding of boys and men of color affected by racism and ACEs.

A Whole Delivery Measure of Comprehensive Service Provision – In this article, the Whole Delivery Measure is presented as a multidimensional scale evaluating whole person service delivery.

Applied Integral Methodological Pluralism Designing Comprehensive Social Services Program Evaluation – This article describes a multidimensional approach to integrate research and practice from an Integral theoretical framework.

A Randomized Trial of Healthy Families in New York– Home visiting presents a unique opportunity to forge enduring relationships with families at a time when parents are vulnerable and the developmental path of the newborn is particularly malleable. Findings from demonstrate the benefits of providing HFNY services to families early in life.

Social Work and Adverse Childhood Experiences Research: Implications for Practice and Health Policy– This article explores the biopsychosocial dimensions of ACEs and considers the health-promoting role of the social work profession in ACE Response.

The Effects of Childhood Stress on Health Across the Lifespan published by the CDC– Published by the CDC, this report discusses types of stress in childhood, implications of the ACE Study, and individual, relationship, community, organizational, and societal responses.

Adverse Childhood Experiences Among New York Adults– This brief describes the types of adverse childhood events experienced by adults in New York state as well as their peer recovery and medical services.

Designing comprehensive ACE program evaluation– This award-winning article, which will be published as a chapter in Enacting an Integral Future, describes how SOAR evaluation can be applied to ACE-informed programming. describes how SOAR evaluation can be applied to ACE-informed programming.

The Poverty Clinic– This New Yorker article describes the ACE Response provided by the Bayview Child Health Center in San Francisco.

When a Parent is Incarcerated: A Primer for Social Workers– by Yali Lincroft for the Annie E. Casey Foundation, offers information for child welfare agencies and social workers when working with incarcerated parents and their children. This outlines many reasons for child welfare agencies to develop programs and policies specifically to address the needs of this subset of children in the child welfare system.

The Council on Children and Families– the NYS KIDS COUNT grantee, created a KIDS COUNT special report, Children with Incarcerated Parents. This report provides an examination of issues related to parent incarceration from the perspective of children and young adults, caregivers, and formerly incarcerated parents. The report describes experiences at the point of arrest, the disclosure of parent’s incarceration, issues pertaining to parent-child communication during incarceration and family reunification.

ACE Response Webinar Series

A series of recorded webinars presented by Heather Larkin, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the University at Albany School of Social Welfare.

Other Webinars on ACEs and Trauma

  • An Introduction to the Delivery of Trauma-informed Care – This presentation is about delivering trauma-informed care in medical and mental health settings. The three steps for delivering this service in these settings are: 1. Realize (the impact of traumatic events and how these events can impact health outcomes), 2. Recognize (Emotional Reactions to traumatic events, perspectives, indicators for risk for trauma symptoms), 3. Respond (Using assessment tools, referrals, and managing reactions)

  • The Impact of Trauma on Women and Girls Across the Lifespan webinars – The impact of violence, abuse, neglect, disaster, war, and other harmful experiences continues long after the traumatic event has ended. Exposure to trauma is a pervasive issue that has significantly impacted the health and well-being of millions of Americans and nearly everyone seeking services in the public health and social services systems. Understanding how trauma affects the emotional, behavioral, cognitive, social, and physical functioning of the people we care for can improve our services.

  • Toxic Stress in Low-Income Families: Understanding Long-Term Effects – A panel of leading experts present on ACEs, toxic stress and its long-term consequences, and efforts to prevent early life toxic stress and build resilience. This webcast was hosted by the Office of Family Assistance (OFA) in 2014 as part of the Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood initiatives.

  • Trauma Sensitive Schools – This 1-hour webinar produced by NYSUT looks at the latest research on trauma among school children, exploring trauma’s prevalence and impact on childrens’ behavior, relationships, and learning. Elements of a trauma sensitive school approach are offered along with resources for implementation. Scroll down the linked page to find additional NYSUT webinars pertaining to health and safety in schools.

  • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)– SAMHSA provides many helpful resources and supports, including a treatment locator and a National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices.

  • SAMHSA’s Partners for Recovery– Fostering and developing Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care is a SAMHSA priority.

  • ACESTooHigh – is the go-to site for background, news and information about the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, developmental neurobiology (how experiences affect a child’s developing brain and nervous system), and epigenetics (how our genes turn off and on in response to our experiences and social environment). ACESTooHigh covers what communities are doing to reduce the burden of ACEs and is a place where people can tell their personal stories about how child trauma affected their lives and health, and how they have Ñ or have not, as the case may be – made peace with the past.

  • ACE– The ACE Study is an ongoing collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Kaiser Permanente. Led by Co-principal Investigators Robert F. Anda, MD, MS, and Vincent J. Felitti, MD, the ACE Study is perhaps the largest scientific research study of its kind, analyzing the relationship between multiple categories of childhood trauma (ACEs), and health and behavioral outcomes later in life.

  • The Centers for Disease Control and the ACE Study– The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is an on-line source for credible health information. The ACE Study was conducted by the CDC and Kaiser Permanente.

  • Prevent Child Abuse America– has led the way in building awareness, providing education and inspiring hope to everyone involved in the effort to prevent the abuse and neglect of our nation’s children. Working with state chapters, the national office provides leadership to promote and implement prevention efforts at both the national and local levels with a focus on valuing children, strengthening families and engaging communities nationwide.

  • The National Child Traumatic Stress Network– A collaborative network of providers, researchers and families from across the United States united through a shared commitment to advance the standard of care and improve service access for traumatized children, their families, and communities.

  • The University at Albany School of Social Welfare– has provided education, knowledge, and tools to agency, policy, and community leaders who are raising awareness of ACE implications and developing ACE-informed policies and programs.

  • Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health– Explore national, regional, and state-level ACE data through this website to inform your own advocacy efforts. 

  • The NYS Liberty Partnerships Program– Set out in the New York State Education Department’s Statewide Plan for Higher Education, this program has helped students at-risk of dropping out of school successfully graduate high school well-equipped for the demands of higher education and the workforce.

  • Healthy Families New York– Since 1995, the Research Team (Center for Human Services Research/University at Albany (SUNY)/School of Social Welfare (CHSR) and the New York State Office of Children and Families/ Bureau of Evaluation and Research) have been conducting a variety of studies of Healthy Families New York, a multi-site program designed to prevent child abuse and neglect, increase parental self sufficiency, and enhance child health and development.

  • ACE Interface– is a company dedicated to spreading awareness of the ACE Study and preventing the intergenerational transmission of ACEs. The various products and services offered by ACE Interface inform audiences of ACE concepts and ACE-informed practice. At the same time, ACE Interface strives to empower audiences to rise to the challenges posed by ACEs and build self healing communities together.

  • The Arizona ACE Think Tank and PBS– Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) can last a lifetime, but they don’t have to. The ACE Think Tank Arizona has partnered with PBS to raise awareness of ACEs and ACE response strategies. You can also participate in the ACE Consortium blog developed by the Arizona Think tank.

  • Healthy People Policy– Healthy People provides science-based, 10-year national objectives for improving the health of all Americans. For 3 decades, Healthy People has established benchmarks and monitored progress over time in order to encourage collaborations across sectors, guide individuals toward making informed health decisions, and measure the impact of prevention activities.

  • The Committee on the Shelterless (COTS)– This award-winning homeless service agency in Petaluma, CA has developed “ACE-informed” programming guided by the RIS model, which draws on Integral theory to include evidence-based practices in the context of human relationships.

  • Service Outcomes Action Research (SOAR)– A national leader in developing practice-based research, SOAR implements a data-informed practice process that generates knowledge of the direct impact of services provided in support of program development.

  • National Healthcare for the Homeless Council– Homelessness is often the result of a downward spiral that begins with a person’s health problem and escalates into employment, financial, and housing problems. Without homes, people experience illnesses and injuries at three to six times the rates of housed individuals, and they die an average of 30 years earlier. The National Health Care for the Homeless Council works to break this deadly cycle.

  • Humane Exposures– Founded in 1997 by photojournalist Susan Madden Lankford, HUMANE EXPOSURES pursues its mission to take a penetrating look at the needs and challenges of society’s disenfranchised, encourage public awareness of the causes that underlie the destructive cycles plaguing these populations, and use photography, books, film, education, and advocacy to increase understanding and engender humane response.

  • Healing Neen– Recovery is possible. People can heal from adverse childhood experiences. Neen’s story illustrates the consequences that untreated trauma has on individuals and society at-large, including mental health problems, addiction, homelessness and incarceration. Today, she is a nationally renowned speaker and educator on the devastation of trauma and the hope of recovery.

  • The Somatic Experiencing (SE) Trauma Institute– is an emerging body-awareness approach to trauma being taught throughout the world. The Institute trains practitioners and seeks research partnerships.

  • The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP)– This international organization supports practitioners and researchers drawing on neuroscience and eastern medicine to inform practice and research on acupressure techniques to help relieve trauma symptoms. Intervention research has begun and this group continues to seek research partnerships.